A new discovery involving a malarial protein dubbed Plasmepsin V could pave way for development of a new class of antimalarial drugs, researchers have revealed. Scientists at Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall…
Tag: Research
20-year-long study links diabetes with TB
A two-decade-long study has concluded that there is a strong link between diabetes and TB with diabetes patients much more likely to contract TB and their non-diabetic counterparts. Researchers at James Cook…
First of its kind study links depression with gut bacteria
In a first of its kind study, researchers have studied the role of intestinal microbiota in the altered behaviour that is a consequence of early life stress and suggested that gut bacteria…
Cataract could soon be cured with eye drops
Cataract patients could soon have the option of getting rid of their condition with just a few eye drops rather than a surgery, researchers at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China have…
Premature babies may grow up to be introvert, neurotic, and risk averse: Study
Researchers have suggested that babies born prematurely or severe underweight could grow up to be introvert, neurotic, and risk averse as adults, and this personality profile, they say, may help explain why…
Study confirms theory that ‘leaky’ vaccines support evolution of dangerous viruses
Researchers have confirmed for the first time ever that ‘leaky’ or ‘imperfect’ vaccines enable viruses to evolve into more dangerous variants that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk of more severe versions…
Dirty cars provide perfect environment for eColi, study finds
Researchers have shown through a new study that cars with spilled food and drink create the perfect environment for breeding of bugs and dangerous bacteria. Carried out by researchers at University of…
Stroke survivors in Canada living with long-term disability set to increase by 80%
Though the number of Canadians surviving stroke is increasing, the number of people with long-term disability from stroke is increasing as well and according to a new study the number of people…
Ultrafast light-emitting device brings quantum computing dreams closer to reality
An ultrafast light-emitting device of microscopic size capable of turning on and off 90 billion times a second and one that has the potential of bringing quantum computing to reality has been…
NASA’s ‘Quest for Quakes’ seeks evidence of link between EMP and earthquakes
NASA has announced a new competition dubbed ‘Quest for Quakes’ through which it is looking for innovative algorithms that will help find evidence to support the theory that electromagnetic pulses (EMP) may…
Study: Sleep will let you recall forgotten things, make memory more accessible
Sleep plays an important role in governing how memories are formed, stored and made readily accessible, a new study has shown. While previous studies have shown how sleep governs forgetting, strengthening or…
GSK’s malaria candidate vaccine Mosquirix garners EMA’s nod
One of world’s leading pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) revealed that its malaria candidate vaccine Mosquirix also known as RTS,S has landed European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) positive scientific opinion for children aged 6…
DNA used for nano-scale 3D printing
3D printing has moved onto new frontiers with researchers developing a method using which DNA can be folded into 3D structures of virtually any shape you may think of. Researchers from Aalto…
Research finds possible link between harmful drinking and ‘successful aging’
Researchers have warned that harmful drinking is more prevalent in people who are over 50s and fall in the category of ‘successful agers’ – people who are healthy, active, sociable, and well…
Inexpensive generic drugs could help reduce breast cancer deaths
Two studies have established that inexpensive generic drugs currently used to treat different conditions hold the potential of reducing breast cancer deaths across the globe. The studies, published in the The Lancet,…