Those hip hops you used to do when you were in school, well those may be vital to reducing the chances of hip fracture in your old age, a new study has…
Tag: Exercise
Pressuring teens to exercise won’t actually work
Starting to workout at an early age is always helpful, but pressuring teenagers to exercise won’t actually help and chances are that it may backfire, researchers have revealed through a new study….
Runners get their high because of body fat hormone leptin
Ever wondered why while running you get that euphoric satisfying feeling that gives you a motivational boost of running a little more? Researchers say that this is partly because of a certain…
Exercise during your adolescence to reduce risk of death from cancer later
Researchers have said that exercising, working out and being physically active through team sports is the best way to lower risk of death from cancer and all such causes during middle and…
Your lifestyle holds the key to reducing heart failure risk after 65
Heart failure is one of the major reasons for increased hospitalisation for people over the age of 65 and researchers have suggested that the key to reduce the risk of heart failures,…
Drinking water even when not thirsty? Don’t, researchers say
Hyponatremia – a condition that is a direct result of too much water or sports drinks intake – has become one of the major reason for deaths of marathon runners and experts…
EndoBarrier implant could revolutionise type 2 diabetes treatment
A combination of medication, diet and exercise is what normally is prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients, but surgeons at the Southampton General Hospital are looking to test the potential of EndoBarrier…
Active video games may be better than unstructured physical activity
At a time when video games are being blamed for Children’s lack of interest in physical activity, improper sitting postures, aggressive behaviour, slow mental decay and even obesity, a new research has…
Dancing doesn’t provide kids, youth with enough exercise
Dancing has long been considered as serving multiple purposes of entertainment, self-recreation, stress-buster and even exercise. Physical fitness is possibly one of the main reasons why parents are inclined to send their…
Elderly can live longer with just 30 minutes of daily exercise
Benefits of exercising aren’t unknown or hidden and previous studies have already established the benefits of short duration and low intensity exercise with respect to increased life expectancy. Now a new study…
Just 30 minutes of physical activity daily as good as giving up smoking: Research
Just thirty minutes of physical activity daily irrespective of its intensity for six days in a week is as good as giving up smoking and also reduces the risk of death from…
Cycling, walking to work will help you shed those extra kilos
In this fast moving world, very few people have the time to make room for special exercise regimes to lose weight and the best way to shed some kilos is to walk…
Strength training for weak muscles reduces tension headaches
A new study has found that strength training may possibly hold the key to eliminating or reducing headaches resulting from tension or stress. Danish researchers have found through a small study involving…
Sugary drinks blamed for obesity; experts call for an end to celebrity endorsements
Experts have suggested that excess intake of sugar and carbs through sugary drinks and junk food is the prime reason for the increasing number of obese people and that physical inactivity is…
Prostate cancer survivors should walk for 3 hours a week to improve quality of life
Walking is one of the best forms of exercise that is recommended for everyone and now a new Northwestern Medicine study has claimed that if prostate cancer survivors walk for three hours…