The Ruselectronics holding company of the Rostec State Corporation has presented new information modeling software for industrial enterprises.
MOSCOW, RUSSIA, May 2, 2021 / — The Ruselectronics holding company of the Rostec State Corporation has presented new information modeling software for industrial enterprises that can be used to digitize construction work and modernize production facilities. The new platform, based on Industrial Internet of Things technology, allows to automate the process of managing large amounts of engineering data and reduce construction expenditures by 20%.
Ruselectronics has developed a platform for building information modeling (BIM). It is an approach to construction, equipment, operation and repair of buildings involving complex information processing during their various design phases.
The platform was successfully tested during modernization of production facilities under JSC “RPC “Istok” named after Shokin”, a subsidiary of Ruselectronics. Information modeling technology allows to increase process efficiency at all stages of capital construction life cycle, from design to operation. The IIOT.ISTOK Industrial Internet of Things platform provides remote monitoring, diagnostics and optimization of equipment use via end-to-end integration with the digital model of the facility, the formation of 3D models of workshops, sections and production lines.
“The use of digital solutions in the construction of complex industrial facilities makes it possible to speed up project implementation by 7-15%, and total expenses by 20%. IIOT.ISTOK allows to automate the process of working with big data at the operating stage, collecting all necessary information into a single digital model in real time. This approach increases the reliability and safety of operating industrial facilities”, said the digital transformation lead at Istok Vitaly Alexandrov.
The software was demonstrated at the Forum on digitalization and BIM technologies in the construction industry. This professional event in the field of digitalization of construction is annually held in Moscow. Its traditional participants include leading experts of the CAD market, representatives of key government and business structures, heads of leading companies in the industry.
Ruselectronics holding company is a national electronics vendor. Founded in 1997, it became a part of Rostec State Corporation in 2009. The holding company includes the largest corporations of Russian radio-electronic industry, i.e., Sozvezdie, Vega, Avtomatika, Control Systems, as well as the National Center for Informatization (NCI). The head structure is United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation. The holding company produces over 50% of electronic components in Russia, 8% of the total production in the radio-electronics sector, and provides over 10% of workplaces in the industry. Ruselectronics is an umbrella for more than 140 enterprises and scientific organizations specializing in the development and manufacturing of radio-electronic components and technologies, communication devices and systems, automated control systems, robotic systems, SHF electronics, computing equipment and telecommunications equipment. The holding company employs above 70 thousand people. Its products are supplied to more than 30 countries in Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
Roste? State Corporation is one of the largest industrial companies in Russia. It unites more than 800 scientific and industrial organizations in 60 regions of the country. Its key areas of activity are aircraft engineering, radioelectronics, medical technologies, innovative materials, etc. The corporation’s portfolio includes such well-known brands as AvtoVAZ, KAMAZ, UAC, Russian Helicopters, UEC, Uralvagonzavod, Shvabe, Kalashnikov, etc. Rostec is active in the implementation of all 12 national projects. The company is a key provider of Smart City technology, it is engaged in the digitalization of public administration, industry and social sectors, and it is developing plans for the development of 5G wireless technologies, an Industrial Internet of Things, big data and blockchain systems. Rostec partners with leading world manufacturers such as Boeing, Airbus, Daimler, Pirelli and Renault. The corporation’s products are delivered to more than 100 countries worldwide. Almost a third of the company’s revenue comes from the export of high-tech products.
Press Service of Rostec State Corporation
?: +7 (926) 911-28-36 | 24, Usacheva Str., Moscow |
Hayk Grigoryan

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