Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is facing a tough time as several of the company’s employees are calling out for his resignation after it emerged that he gave donations to an anti-LGBT campaign.
It was found that Eich contributed $1,000 (£601.11) in support of California’ Proposition 8 in 2008, an initiative that aimed to ban gay marriage in California. The donation was listed in a public database with Mozilla appearing next to Eich’s name as his employer.
Eich, who co-founded Mozilla in 1998 and created Internet’s most widely used programming language JavaScript, served as the company’s CTO since 2005 before being named interim CEO more than a year ago.
On Thursday, several Mozilla employees, who felt Eich’s decision to back Prop 8 goes against Mozilla’s core values as a company, used Twitter to call out for Eich to step down from the post.
A member of Mozilla’s engagement team, Sydney Moyer, on Twitter wrote, “I’m an employee and cannot reconcile having @BrendanEich as CEO with our org’s culture and mission. Brendan, please step down.”
Kat Braybrooke, one of the company’s curation and co-design lead, tweeted “Like many @Mozilla staff, I’m taking a stand. I do not support the Board’s appointment of @BrendanEich as CEO.”
Eich responded to the criticism in a post in his personal blog entitled ‘Incluseiveness at Mozilla’ saying that “I express my sorrow at having caused pain” and promised an “active commitment to equality” at Mozilla.
“I am committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion,” he added.
When will this crap stop? A CEO is allowed to have personal opinions that don’t follow liberal doctrine.
Ignorant gay sodomites need to stop sexualy harrasing straignt people.
Glad he did this. Too bad he can’t do it in ALL 51 states as well. Gays are trying to take over the world now!
There are 51 states now – I did not know that – thanks for the free comedy.
There are 51 states now – I did not know that – thanks for the free comedy.
Seems like its his personal life. It should have nothing to do with his business life. Thats like asking a CEO to step down because he didn’t support the President you wanted to win.
Proposition 8 was always punitive – it was never about stopping gay marriage – Eich never in a million years could have believed he could stop gay marriage – and while he may have hoped he could nullify the marriages that had taken place – it was a long shot and the courts ruled against him – so all he could really do was temporarily take away the right to marry that the California courts had granted to gay an lesbian California citizens – and that is what he set out to do.
Think of it as a spineless coward’s last gasp at punishing gays and lesbians and wanting to show them they are somehow “less-than” – by a sniveling coward who to this day can’t even say what he actually did – such is his braveness – his boldness – his belief.
Prop 8 was just a petty vindictive punitive measure against gays and lesbians and those that love and support them because they dared to believe they were equal – it never – NEVER – had anything to do with marriage.
Naturally, this being America – there are plenty of people that secretly squeal in delight at what Eich did – while pretending this is a matter of free speech. Well, now is not the time for truth for Eich and his supporters – now is the time to invoke the coward’s code – say anything to try to justify your cowardly petty actions.