Sometimes you get too curious to find out how well your tweet has performed; now a new feature in Twitter’s iPhone app will do the work for you.
Twitter, on Monday, rolled out Twitter Analytics feature for iPhone which will now let users see how many impressions their tweets get as well as information including total engagements, such as the number of clicks, expansions, and retweets; engagement highlights and more.
Ian Chan, an engineer at Twitter, announced the new feature in a tweet which read “Happy holidays! We just launched mobile Tweet analytics for iOS! Congrats to the team!”
To access mobile tweet analytics on an iPhone, users can click on one of their tweets to get to the Tweet Details page, and then tap View Tweet Activity to see details. iPhone users can access analytics only if they have the most recent version of the Twitter app. Users can update the app from their iPhone’s Settings menu or from the App Store.
As yet, there are no details about when the feature will roll out to the Twitter for Android app.
Originally designed for advertisers, the analytics feature was rolled out by Twitter for marketers, verified users and Twitter Card publishers earlier in the summer. The micro-blogging network made the Web version of Tweet Activity Dashboard available to all users in August.