Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Russian court in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur ordered RA RTS Rosnet, a local internet services provider to block access to YouTube and four other websites because of ‘extremist content’.
A video entitled “Russia for Russians” (a Russian extremist slogan) was allegedly posted on YouTube and a Russian court made a ruling on the 16th of July that the popular video sharing site be removed from public access due to this extremist themed video.
The other sites were also disallowed to broadcast for containing excerpts of Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, which was banned by the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office in March after it was found in violation of laws against extremism.
Russian laws against extremism have been on the spotlight for quite some time now and are actually being criticized by some to be too restrictive. Some even go on to say that these laws are being corrupted to curb the freedom of expression. Earlier this month Russian museum curators were found guilty of “inciting religious hatred” for displaying a painting of Jesus Christ with Mickey Mouse’s head superimposed.
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Tags: Russia, YouTube
Five Filters featured article: “Peace Envoy” Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Sourced From: Gadget Epoint News Blog