Opera has overhauled its Opera Mini for iOS by giving it a flatter design complete with transparency finally adopting iOS 7 design, different data savings options as well as a discovery page.
First and foremost, the data savings option is the feature that will appeal to most users. Opera is providing from three different options to choose from – Opera Mini, which provides up to 90 percent compression for web traffic; Opera Turbo, which provides a little less compression as compared to Opera Mini but is great for compatibility; and third option of switching off data savings entirely.
Opera Mini is ideal for scenarios when you are running low on data or are on roaming internationally. Opera Turbo can be set for regular use and when you are having Wi-Fi connectivity, you can disable data savings completely.
When you first start Opera Mini 8, you will notice the browser’s ‘Speed Dial’ feature that more or less acts as a favourite page. You can customize this page as per your liking. Swiping to the left on this screen will bring Opera’s new ‘discover’ feature that will serve you curated content in real-time from different news websites and blogs. One this that doesn’t sit well here though is the inability to customize the source of the content.
Opera Mini 8 also shows you open tabs in the form of stacks for a quick overview while also allowing you to close a tab right from there by swiping up.
Some of the other features Open Mini 8 include ability to quickly switch search providers, new QR reader, ability to share URLs via QR, ability to edit web addresses or search terms through slider, among other things.