Monday, July 26, 2010
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), an independent US government agencyin charge of regularing the radio spectrum which includes radio, television, and the internet, announced this Monday that the practice of “jailbreaking” an iPhone or any other mobile phone, for that matter, legal.
The controversial law is being fought hard by Apple stating that the activity is an outright violation of the company’s copyright. Meanwhile FCC begged to differ stating that jailbreaking in fact enhances the inter-operability of the phone, and thus legitimate under fair-use rules.
Jailbreaking is the practice of enabling a phone to run programs and applications that are not approved by Apple. The practice has been dubbed as illegal but no one has been prosecuted for doing this act. And at least a million of iPhone users have already done this to their iPhone to enjoy a number of homebrewed apps that could increase their iPhone’s functionality, many of them free.
Will Apple still void the warranty of the users who said, “nay” to their bidding? Or will the legalization make Apple’s stance on the subject more approving?
We’re hoping that it will be for the latter. Because on the positive note, jailbreaking enables users to fully customize their mobile experience. The more options the better. Head on to Gadgetepoint and see what options are waiting for your choosy taste.
Tags: apple, apps, iphone, jailbreaking
Five Filters featured article: “Peace Envoy” Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Sourced From: Gadget Epoint News Blog