Standing up and walking and replacing those long sitting hours with frequent walks is the key to low fats in blood and cholesterol levels, improved blood sugar, trimmed waistline and optimum body…
Category: Health
Drinking at conception ups diabetes risk for baby, study finds
Drinking habits of women, specifically at the time of conception, are said to have a direct impact on their babies’ risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity in early middle age, a…
Canadian Ebola vaccine looks promising
An Ebola vaccine developed by Public Health Agency of Canada and currently in phase III trials in Guinea has shown promising results and chances are it could be the vaccine the world…
Exercise during your adolescence to reduce risk of death from cancer later
Researchers have said that exercising, working out and being physically active through team sports is the best way to lower risk of death from cancer and all such causes during middle and…
Cancer patients referred late by GPs likely to be dissatisfied with overall care
Researchers have revealed through an extended analysis of survey data from over 70,000 cancer patients that those who have had to visit their GPs more than three times before they were referred…
Actually prostate cancer has 5 different types, not one
In a breakthrough study, researchers have revealed that prostate cancer is of five different types and each of these has a specific genetic fingerprint. Scientists are hopeful that this finding will enable…
Experts debate on sugar tax’s ability to help combat obesity
In an article on the BMJ, experts debate whether sugar tax could help authorities fight the obesity menace and whether this measure alone is sufficient to control the growing population of obese…
Overworked GPs could jeopardise patient safety, RCGP raises red flag
Unrelenting and increasing workload pressures are pushing dedicated GPs to their limits and fatigue among overworked GPs could jeopardise patient safety on a widespread scale, the Royal College of General Practitioners has…
3D image of malaria ‘conductor’ Plasmepsin V paves way for new class of drugs
A new discovery involving a malarial protein dubbed Plasmepsin V could pave way for development of a new class of antimalarial drugs, researchers have revealed. Scientists at Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall…
20-year-long study links diabetes with TB
A two-decade-long study has concluded that there is a strong link between diabetes and TB with diabetes patients much more likely to contract TB and their non-diabetic counterparts. Researchers at James Cook…
First of its kind study links depression with gut bacteria
In a first of its kind study, researchers have studied the role of intestinal microbiota in the altered behaviour that is a consequence of early life stress and suggested that gut bacteria…
Cataract could soon be cured with eye drops
Cataract patients could soon have the option of getting rid of their condition with just a few eye drops rather than a surgery, researchers at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China have…
Premature babies may grow up to be introvert, neurotic, and risk averse: Study
Researchers have suggested that babies born prematurely or severe underweight could grow up to be introvert, neurotic, and risk averse as adults, and this personality profile, they say, may help explain why…
Study confirms theory that ‘leaky’ vaccines support evolution of dangerous viruses
Researchers have confirmed for the first time ever that ‘leaky’ or ‘imperfect’ vaccines enable viruses to evolve into more dangerous variants that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk of more severe versions…
Simple nasal balloon procedure helps treat ‘glue ear’ in children
One of the most common ear problems in children otitis media with effusion (OME) also known as ‘glue ear’ can be treated with a simple procedure involving a nasal balloon, researchers have…