After sending out an open letter and updating the evasi0n7 iOS 7 jailbreak to remove Chinese piracy app store TaiG, evad3rs have written to the jailbreaking community again to clarify other concerns raised by the community.
Evad3rs have said that privacy of users of its iOS 7 jailbreak tool is of utmost concern and have claimed that none of their data is being sent anywhere. The team stressed that the TaiG app was only installed when the device’s language was set as Chinese and the app only executed when the user open it.
“To reiterate, no Taig software was installed unless the computer’s language was set to Chinese. Furthermore, no Taig software would run unless the user opened the Taig application”, noted evad3rs in its latest open letter.
The team revealed that they had gone about doing a cursory examination before they included the TaiG app within evasi0n7 and they didn’t find any problems. However, as soon as instances of pirated apps were reported they dug deeper and “found examples, including pirated tweaks, Apple App Store apps, and even pod2g’s PodDJ app.”
The team had a written and verbal agreement with TaiG and because of the instances of piracy they banned the app and terminated relationship with the company. Further the team also revealed that they haven’t received any money from any group or company including TaiG.
“We will not be accepting any money”, said evad3rs.
“Our donations are being given to Public Knowledge, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure to help protect jailbreaking as your legal right”, the team added.
The team has revealed that they are working to fix the jailbreak, but as its holidays they would like to spend time with friends and family. “We will work as hard as we can to resolve any remaining issues. Thank you for your understanding.” wrote evad3rs.