In a bid to kill the glamour and attractiveness associated with smoking, the World Health Organisation has decided to make plain packaging for cigarettes ‘global’.
Tag: Smoking
E-Cigarettes To Be Banned For Under-18s Under US Law
The US government has announced its new federal rules, which include a ban on the sale of e-cigarettes to people under the age of 18.
E-cigarettes Help Smokers Quit, Say Doctors
A leading medical body of UK has advised that smokers should be offered and encouraged to use e-cigarettes to help them quit.
Smoking increases risk of type 2 diabetes by 37%
In a study that the first to look into a causal relation between smoking and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers have suggested that current smoking increases the risk of type…
Diabetic smokers at higher risk of heart disease than diabetic non-smokers
Type 2 diabetes patients, who are also smokers, are at greater risk of experiencing heart related issues including heart failure, clogged arteries and reduced blood flow to the limbs as compared to non-smoking…
High levels of work stress is as bad for health as secondhand smoke: Study
Individuals exposed to high levels of work stress may have the same health issues as those exposed to secondhand smoke, a new study warns. Harvard Business School and Stanford University researchers did…
Study: Champix doesn’t increase risk of heart attack or depression
A study has cleared varenicline – also known as Champix™ or ChantixTM – of not being responsible for increased risk of heart attacks and depression thereby recommending a review of the safety…
Sedentary lifestyle pegged as dangerous as smoking
Sedentary lifestyle involving prolonged sitting has been pegged as dangerous for one’s health as smoking and researchers have suggested that this could lead to a range health issues including obesity, diabetes and…
Smokers tend to get pot bellies as well, study shows
Pot bellies aren’t just limited to beer drinkers now as a new study has suggested that smoking could also lead to fatter stomachs. Smoking has long been associated with lower overall weight…
Passive smokers at risk of COPD as well, study finds
A new research has indicated that active smoking isn’t the only major reason for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and that passive smoking could also lead to decline in lung function, which…
Education linked with life expectancy in new study
A multi-university study has linked education and life expectancy stating that number of deaths can be associated to difference in education and has suggested that lacking education may be as deadly as…
Smoking could make you go crazy, research suggests
Smoking tobacco is responsible for a range of health problems including cancer and now a new research suggests that it could also increase the risk of psychosis. Published in Lancet Psychiatry and…
Your lifestyle holds the key to reducing heart failure risk after 65
Heart failure is one of the major reasons for increased hospitalisation for people over the age of 65 and researchers have suggested that the key to reduce the risk of heart failures,…
Alcohol consumption while being pregnant fairly common in UK, Ireland
A new study of over 17,000 women across UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand has found that alcohol consumption by pregnant women is common in these countries and while women across all…
E-cigarettes have sharply divided public health community: BMJ
The public health community isn’t unanimous as far as the ‘harm reduction’ aspect of e-cigarettes is concerned, a new investigation published in BMJ has found, with those in favour of e-cigarettes believing…