Researchers have developed a software capable of recognising sketches with an accuracy of 74.9 per cent leaving behind real human counterparts who only managed to identify sketches with a success rate of…
Tag: Research
Diabetes drug said to have preventative effect against Parkinson’s disease
A class of drugs – glitazone – which is used to treat diabetes may also find use in preventing Parkinson’s disease, a new study has revealed. Osiglitazone or pioglitazone are the two…
Even non-obese individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes from sugary drinks
Sugary drinks have often been linked to type 2 diabetes in obese individuals, but a new study has revealed that habitual consumption of soft drinks and artificially sweetened fruit juices could also…
Genes responsible for binge-eating habits, research finds
An international team of researchers has attributed binge-eating behaviour in teens to a gene variation. Researchers from University of Queensland Diamantina Institute and University College London Institute of Child Health analysed data…
Early antiretroviral therapy helps suppress HIV and prevents transmission
Researchers have concluded in a decade long clinical trail that early intervention could help suppress HIV as well as prevent its sexual transmission in heterosexual couples. The results of an international clinical…
Scalable arrays of transistors developed; ultrathin electronics on the horizon
Ultrathin electronics could soon be developed as researchers have developed a novel way of producing arrays of semiconductor junctions within a single, nanometer-thick semiconductor crystal. Currently available transistors may be miniscule –…
Are medical marijuana ads motivating adolescents to try it out?
A new study has suggested that adolescents who have been exposed to medical marijuana advertising are more likely to either try it out or at least plan to have it in near…
First time fathers tend to gain weight as well
Men, have you ever wondered why you have gained weight after you became father for the first time? Well the reason is your kids! Well not directly, but the influence they have…
Brain development in children linked to poverty, environment and nurturance
Children born in poor families have atypical structural brain development and lower standardized test scores, researchers have revealed through a new study. According to researchers, through there have been extensive studies about…
No link between order of birth and personality or IQ, study finds
The age old myth that birth order influences traits like personality and intelligence doesn’t really hold true, a new research has established. In a bid to check whether the age old myth…
Dementia patients could benefit from music therapy
Researchers have revealed through a study that dementia patients could benefit from music therapy with marked improvements to their symptoms and wellbeing as well as a reduction in disruptiveness to staff at…
Saliva test could expose Alzheimer’s early
Researchers at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2015 have revealed that brain scans, memory tests and body fluids such as saliva may hold the keys to understanding a person’s likelihood of developing…
Scorecard may make restaurant dining healthier
Researchers at Cornell Food and Brand Lab have developed a tool that will allow diners as well as restaurant managers identify changers that could enable them to eat healthier at restaurants and…
VSM lends a helping hand to those suffering from stuttering
University of Alberta’s Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR) have turned to videos for treating stuttering in a pioneering study that has produced amazing results. In the pilot, conducted by Jessica…
Taxing the calories in sugary drinks could help reduce obesity, research suggests
Researchers have suggested that a tax on sugary drinks based on the number of calories or amount of sugar per liter could help curb obesity. The study published in Social Science &…