Distracted drivers are a major problem around the world and Ontario is no different with as many as 41 deaths already attributed to distracted driving. In a bid to ensure safety of…
Tag: Driving
Nearly 20% young drivers in UK take selfies behind wheels
Using a mobile phone while driving is against the law and despite heavy fines for such behaviour more and more people in the UK are using smartphones to not only place calls…
UK motorists are wasting £700 million a year owing to bad driving habits: Report
UK motorists are losing as much as £700 million a year more in petrol owing to bad driving habits, a new study has found. A new research from Barclaycard Fuel+ has revealed…
Research: Younger female motorists more likely to use cellphone while driving
Younger female drivers under the age of 25 are 1.63 times more likely to use a cell phone while driving than male motorists, a new study has found. It also found that…
90% Canadians believe texting while driving is socially unacceptable, survey says
The number of accidents because of texting while driving is increasing globally and now Canadians also consider the activity of texting while behind the wheels as a socially unacceptable. According to a…
Jaguar’s new 360° Urban Windshield to reduce accidents; eliminate blindspots
When almost all auto manufacturers are investing heavily in driverless autonomous cars, there is atleast one company that feels that a lot more can be done for human automobile operators. Jaguar is…
Google Glass is as distracting as a smartphone, study claims
According to the study, there wasn’t any significant difference between using Google Glass and smartphone, and that both the devices pose the same amount of risk.
Motorists warned over use of Apple Watch, other smartwatches
Using smartwatches like the recently launched Apple Watch could result in a serious accident or in certain cases land a person in jail, warns Institute of Advanced Motorists in a recent press…
Drivers using phone while driving may be slapped with double penalty points
The suggestion, if implemented, could see offenders getting six points on their license and could face a fan if caught twice in three years.
Woman gets driving license on attempt number 24
Persistence is the key proves woman as she gets rid of her L-plates after 24 attempts.