Belgian Privacy Protection Commission has accused Facebook of not complying with the European data-protection laws as it still continues to track people online without their consent. “Facebook tramples on European and Belgian…
Tag: Data Protection
Microsoft held in contempt of court for refusing to comply with data handover order
Microsoft: Microsoft believes you own your email no matter where it is stored. That’s why we’ve gone to court to ask the US government to follow long-established, internationally agreed upon processes to obtain email it is seeking as evidence in a case involving a customer account in Ireland.
ICO issues new big data protection guidelines for UK organisations
Steve Wood, ICO’s Head of Policy Delivery: What we’re saying in this report is that many of the challenges of compliance can be overcome by being open about what you’re doing. Organisations need to think of innovative ways to tell customers what they want to do and what they’re hoping to achieve.
ICO: UK Police are sloppy in handling public data
Only a few forces have come out with a “high assurance” rating, indicating the extent controls are in place!
Dutch privacy authorities accuse Google of data protection law violation
Dutch privacy watchdog, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA), after a seven-month investigation, has accused Google of breaching Dutch personal data protection law since it introduced a new privacy policy last year….