Green energy, also known as clean energy, is generated from renewable resources without the release of carbon dioxide. Energy production from the sun, wind, and water has been understood and practiced for many years. Whatever the case, fossil fuels like coal and oil controlled the market for centuries. Now that we have more sophisticated technology to capture and store the energy, renewable energy sources are catching up. Cost savings widen the commercial market for renewable energy sources and increase their accessibility.
Green Energy companies in the UK
A variety of startups and scale ups comprise the fast-growing clean technology and green energy sector, which is dedicated to preserving the environment. The UK is home to a wide range of interesting businesses exploring novel clean solutions to prevent climate change, including electric vehicles (EVs) as well as renewable energy companies to provide insect-based protein for your pets.
However, the green revolution is not simply being embraced by large corporations. Investors are also supporting the movement, with an increasing number of Silicon Valley VCs rushing to support clean energy startups. Additionally, other cities are noticing the same tendencies as San Francisco. For now, let’s look at the development of UK companies that work for a safer environment:
Recycling Technologies has created modular technology that can turn mixed plastic trash into a source of feedstock for the creation of fresh plastic. By placing its chemical recycling equipment at current garbage sites, the company hopes to establish a circular economy for plastic, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions and ocean pollution.
Inertial confinement fusion (ICF), which produces energy, is being studied in further detail by First Light Fusion. Fusion is able to create base load electricity in any weather, unlike other renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy.
By fusing plasma in a magnetic field using superconductors, Tokamak Energy is trying to enhance the development of renewable energy production through fusion (the joining together of hydrogen atoms).
Then we have Bramble Energy that uses printed circuit board (PCB) components to design and produce affordable hydrogen fuel cells. The company, which was established in 2015 as a spinoff from UCL and Imperial College London, aimed to provide businesses with scalable and affordable renewable energy sources.
LAT Water creates and uses renewable energy technology for wastewater treatment and desalination. Compared to competing methods, this company recovers water at a greater rate (minimum 70%, maximum 95%). Along with it, it eliminates all methane, ammonia, organics, and heavy metal ions in a single step. From the waste stream, only high-purity products that are valuable are recovered.
If we look at the gas and industrial markets, Carbon Clean Solutions creates technology for CO2 capture and carbon separation. The company wants to help major emitters become carbon neutral and take advantage of the rising value of carbon capture through its modular design power facilities.
Utilizing capacitance technology, Enertechnos has created a new electrical transmission line that minimizes energy losses. Compared to the high-voltage lines used in conventional power grids, the Capacitive Transfer System (CTS) can carry electrical energy from power plants to end users more effectively. It can also be used for other environmentally friendly initiatives like smart grids, EV uptake, and the repowering of wind farms.

Muhammad Asfandyar is a lawyer having extensive experience in creative content writing, proofreading, legal and academic research writing. He can be reached at