Twitch Plays Pokémon official stats have been released by Twitch following the game’s victory after 16 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 30 seconds and collaborated gameplay efforts.
According to data released by Twitch, a total of 1,165,140 TPP players entered commands in game’s chat. There were a total of 9 million onlookers; over 36 million views; over 122 million commands; and over 1 billion minutes watched.
“As a result, the Event has far transcended the gameplay itself, generating life-important discussions about religion, politics, mythology, and the importance of collaboration across cultural boundaries”, notes Twitch in a blog post.
There have been some unofficial stat collection as well and according to one account it took TPP 22 tries to defeat the Elite Four, while the game beat Blue in just two tries.
The first edition of TPP may have ended, but another is slated to being on Sunday Morning on The Twitch Plays Pokémon page currently shows a countdown timer and reads “A new adventure will begin”.
During the course of the game garnered huge popularity and according to Matthew DiPietro, Twitch’s VP for Marketing, the success of TPP has made everyone at the site “think deeply about creative social experiments that can be done on Twitch.”